Stalker shadow of chernobyl walkthrough
Stalker shadow of chernobyl walkthrough

from every stalker out there - including myself. You guys rock! You know who you are, and you deserve praise. Many contributions has been made through e-mails, MSN conversations and forum posts, especially. The initial website covered alot of ground, but it has expanded alot since its initial launch, mainly due to the commitment and help of the community that has basically grown from the very beginning. I must give out a huge thank you to the community surrounding the Zone Survival Guide. The walkthrough, though, tries not to spoil too much ahead of the storyline, so if you need some guidance as how to work through a particular area, the walkthrough in itself shouldn't ruin the experience for you. almost every page is likely to reveal something you didn't know unless you've already played the game before. Please notice that this website is full of spoilers, ie.

stalker shadow of chernobyl walkthrough

If you feel certain things could be explained better, or just include more hints, tips and/or tricks, again feel free to contact me by e-mail. This is the first website I've created that is dedicated to a specific game in all its detail - and the walkthrough is the first one I've ever written. If you come across some obvious shortcomings or errors, or if you have useful information regarding the game - such as the locations of unique items, weapons and armor - or you just spot something that is wrong, feel free to let me know. The website has been on hiatus for a short while, but thanks to LoboTheMan and Romulous it has finally resurfaced with a new home here at While the website is still technically under construction - at least it's still being expanded - I do hope that you will find it useful. that Shadow of Chernobyl toggle aim tweak requires AutoHotKey to be run as Administrator.Welcome to the Zone Survival Guide - a website focused on everything within the single-player portion of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.

  • ↑ AUDIO Wiki Master#3423 on the 3D Game Audio Discord server - last accessed on " 1.
  • ↑ - STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl Tweak Guide - In-Game Settings (Pt.2).
  • Activating antialiasing at higher resolutions (such as 2560x1440) seems to follow this cap and results in undersampling/blurry image When increasing antialiasing setting step by step - "SSample:" in the console caps at 2048x2048.
  • ↑ Verified by User:Suicide machine on ).
  • Paul Dolgov has put together 3 very comprehensive mod packages called 'Complete-Mods', which feature both his own work, and some community based content.

    stalker shadow of chernobyl walkthrough

    series, together with some game-play tweaks and improvements.

  • ↑ Windows 10 support - StarForce Support The STALKER Enhancement Project (SEP), is a small guide on how to improve the visuals & effects of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
  • ↑ Windows 8.1 support - StarForce Support.
  • 10.7 Glitchy shadows using widescreen resolutions.
  • 9.4 Key bindings lost every game restart.
  • stalker shadow of chernobyl walkthrough

    9.1 "Unable to connect to master server" error.

    Stalker shadow of chernobyl walkthrough